A company 50 years oldFifty years may not seem like something to shout about, but those who know the business will agree that to clock up this number of years, and in fact to go beyond that number, is a real achievement.
Obviously we ourselves were not there at the beginning – sorry, there is still one person who likes to take his honorary managerial seat and accompany us in our daily work – and the pioneers went about things in a different way. At that time, in 1956, they called themselves VANHOEKEL & DE WIT, and after that DE WIT & CIA, S.A. It was really a matter of establishing a mark in the field of fruit exportation.
These first efforts gave a chance to the family. The sons of Antonio de Wit – the occupant of the honorary managerial seat – did their best to bring in new ideas and to expand the business through special projects.
Thus was born PICOLITO S.L., exclusively oriented to importing fruit and vegetables, but giving rise also to the GRUPO DE WIT.
Such a development was not obvious. It came as the result of wanting to adapt to new markets, to new working methods, to new clients, responding to the needs and requirements of those who are really our first concern: our suppliers and our customers. This was why we put an end to DE WIT & CIA, investing completely in PICOLITO S.L. but engaging in both side of the business, import and export (or export and import, if you prefer).
There’s no stopping, so we keep going. We already have our own brands – Picolito and Tancho. These sound great to us, full of life, and we are doing our best to maintain the quality of our products, keeping to the high standards that people expect and deserve.
Already more than fifty years old, and we hope to carry on for at least another fifty, health and circumstances permitting. There will be many new challenges to face – we have no doubt about this, since we are facing some already – but we know that we can only meet them through honesty and commitment, efficiency and quality, and above all with the same enthusiasm and generosity shown by the pioneers who knew so well, over the years, how to win the respect and trust of both customers and markets.
So that’s it. We would just like to add that our commitment is really strong. We were trained in a good school, so we would suggest you get to know us. The best is still to come.
Quality and security
Quality and security in food products being a prime objective, we have a team of experts controlling the whole process of production, as well as the packing and commercialisation of the products.
Our Activity
We are principally engaged in the international market, exporting and importing fresh fruit and vegetables.
We like to work in partnership with our producers, ready to commercialise their labels as well as our own. We offer them our effective commercial network, still expanding, and our logistical capacity. All the different elements of this chain enable us to achieve our objectives and generate satisfaction.
We are also engaged in the commercialisation of concentrated fruit juice. We have over forty years of experience in this field. During this time we were the agents in Spain for a Brazilian enterprise, one of the most important in the world producing concentrated orange juice. This sector is still important for us today and has seen an expansion into other products.
Looking to the future, we plan to increase the presence of Picolito in international markets, and so provide our producers with a more varied experience of these outlets. We would like to become “the” channel to sales in the foreign market.
Spain is rich in microclimates, and consequently its produce is very varied. The high quality of this produce allows PICOLITO S.L. to offer a whole range of seasonable products. These can be exported not only to the traditional European markets, and to Eastern Europe, but also to South America and Asia..

We import into Spain a wide variety of products: citrus fruit from South America, asparagus from Peru, Yuca and pineapples from Costa Rica, apples and chestnuts from China…

Our brands
Picolito is already putting on the market its own brand names. High quality brands and many years of experience of operating in the market.
PICOLITO S.L., though conscious of the difficulties raised by diversification, has taken this step. Committed to commercialising its products in the best way possible, and rising to the challenges presented by the markets, the company is already putting on the market its own brand names.
Furthermore, the company is convinced that having its own brand names, known for their high quality, is of great benefit. This has been confirmed by the many years of experience of operating in the market.
Most importantly, it leads us to work together with our suppliers and customers, all going in the same direction.

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Contact us
Picolito S.L.
C/ Isabel La Católica, 14
46004 Valencia
Tel.: 963 526 659
Fax: 963 521 065